1. Color Code Your Notes
    Breaking your notes into sections/colors allows you to study easily and prevents your studying from becoming mundane.
  2. Take Your Book to Class
    When given class materials (books, PowerPoints, assignments, etc.) take them all to class. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the content so that when you are studying, it sticks like glue! 
  3. Create Flashcards
    Believe it or not, creating hand-written flashcards enables you to recall information for quizzes, exams, and homework. It's a popular way to study, and highly effective.
  4. Study Material on Class Day
    The same day you have finished a lecture, refresh your mind by studying the material covered in class. Doing so after each class helps you recollect the knowledge on exams AND gives you time to ask the teacher or tutor about questions you may have on the content.
  5. Find a Study Group
    Not only does studying with others develop your social skills, but you can learn different studying techniques for your benefit. Teaching someone else concepts also helps commit it to your memory and ensures you understand what it's about!
  6. Go to Tutoring
    Understanding you are having trouble with class content and getting the problem solved in advance (before exams, quizzes, or the end of the semester) assists you in making better grades throughout the course. After all, tutors love to help.
  7. Sit at the Front or Middle of the Lecture
    An attentive student is someone who will capture the professor's attention, as well as succeed in the lecture. Sitting in the front or middle may help minimize distractions while you focus on the content that might not be in the book or your notes.
  8. Section and Organize Class Materials
    Minimize boredom (and even sleepiness) by breaking large reading material, or long study sessions into smaller, readable sections you can commit to. You will be able to gain a better understanding as you highlight, underline, and pinpoint the most important information.

Quick Tips

  • Go to every class
  • Read the syllabus
  • Introduce yourself to the instructor(s)
  • Make a calendar or use a planner for assignment due dates
  • Make reminders or notifications to start assignments
  • Always prep/organize class materials and assignments the day before class