McAdams: Law, Business and Society, 12th edition

Law, Business and Society, 12e fits both upper-division undergraduate and masters levels courses in the legal environment of business, government and business, and business and society. Law, Business and Society, takes an interdisciplinary approach, using elements of law, political economy, international business, ethics, social responsibility, and management. Students will find an interesting, provocative reading experience filled with contemporary legal and ethical conflicts emerging from today’s news, as well as scholarly results, surveys, polls, data, anecdotes, and other specific details that lend credibility, immediacy, and interest to the reading experience.

ISBNS: 1259721884 / 9781259721885
Publication Date: 9/19/17


Chapter 1
includes discussion of the Wells Fargo scandal, an updated overview of economics and politics in China and Russia, and a brief glimpse at Brexit as well as Martin Shkreli, indicted financier and exploiter of the U.S. pharmaceutical market. Thomas Piketty’s highly publicized research examining income inequality and the decline of the middle class is also discussed.

Chapter 2
offers updated discussions of the governmental response to the role of big banks in the Great Recession that resulted in large fines for big banks but few white-collar imprisonments. General Motors’ ignition switch failure is examined as a business ethics/criminal scandal, and a brief case study of the ethical implications of working for a boss who is an authoritarian “jerk” also is provided.

Chapter 3
examines criticism of a “rigged” U.S. tax code permitting tax havens abroad, as well as corporate and family wealth as threats to democracy, along with evidence of an increasing embrace of social responsibility by the business community and millennials. The decision of Dan Price, Gravity Payments CEO, to implement a $70,000 minimum wage for his employees also is discussed.

Chapter 4
poses such questions as whether a Missouri court can assert jurisdiction over a Texas vehicle dealership in a breach of contract claim brought by a Missouri resident who purchased a truck on eBay from it, and whether an employer’s discovery request for an employee’s cellphone GPS records to defend against a wage claim should be granted. The discussion of whether a party to a lawsuit can be served a summons via Facebook is updated. Whether online legal services such as the smartphone app Shake resolve or make starker the differences in access to justice also is considered. Discussion of the bill “The Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act of 2017” is included.

Table of Contents

UNIT ONE Business and Society
1 Capitalism and the Role of Government
2 Business Ethics
3 The Corporation and Public Policy: Expanding Responsibilities

UNIT TWO Introduction to Law
4 The American Legal System
5 Constitutional Law and the Bill of Rights
6 Contracts
7 Business Torts and Product Liability

UNIT THREE Trade Regulation and Antitrust
8 Government Regulation of Business
9 Business Organizations and Securities Regulation
10 Antitrust Law—Restraints of Trade
11 Antitrust Law—Monopolies and Mergers

UNIT FOUR Employer–Employee Relations
12 Employment Law I: Employee Rights
13 Employment Law II: Discrimination
14 Employment Law III: Labor–Management Relations

UNIT FIVE Selected Topics in Government–Business Relations
15 Consumer Protection
16 International Ethics and Law
17 Environmental Protection
18 Internet Law and Ethics
APPENDIX A The Constitution of the United States of America
APPENDIX B Uniform Commercial Code 2000 Official Text, Article 2

Sample Chapter

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