We know that having reliable support is vital to creating an impactful learning experience for students and making the most out of your resources. Whether you're face-to-face, hybrid, or exclusively online, we've got your back. Meet your local support team!

Executive Learning Technology Representative

Dave Hill

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Dave specializes in sales and implementation of education technology products and has worked for McGraw Hill since 2017.  His career in educational publishing began in 1987, and he has worked in a variety of capacities with the Ivy Tech Community College system since 1991.  Dave recently completed the Online Learning Consortium training course: Quality in Online Learning.

Dave lives on the northeast side of Indianapolis and is the primary point of contact for the Ivy Tech campuses in the Central & Eastern parts of Indiana. 



Executive Learning Technology Representative

Ted Krischak

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Ted specializes in sales and implementation of education technology products and has worked for McGraw Hill since 2018.  He recently completed the Online Learning Consortium training: Quality in Online Learning.

Ted lives in Terre Haute, Indiana, and is the primary point of contact for the Ivy Tech campuses in the Western half of the State.



ALEKS Specialist

Ashley McDonald

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Ashley currently lives in Grand Rapids, MI, and has been with McGraw Hill since 2019. Prior to joining the MH team, she was a public school educator and instructional specialist for 13 years. Ashley is a Western Michigan University alumni with her graduate degree in Educational Leadership, and an undergrad in Education with a focus on both English and Math.