Design Your Online Accounting Course with Connect® Based on the Quality in Online Learning Certification
We interviewed Clarke University instructor, Teri Zuccaro, about the best practices for planning your online Accounting course with Connect and your Quality in Online Learning Certification.
We interviewed Clarke University instructor, Teri Zuccaro, about the best practices for planning your online Accounting course with Connect and your Quality in Online Learning Certification.
How would you recommend a new faculty member get started?
- Determine how you want to organize your course (week/chapter/topic)
- Determine the Learning Objectives that will be covered in the course
- Review the McGraw Hill Connect® tools available for your textbook and determine which to use for both summative and formative assessments
- Review policies available and determine which apply for your course and various assessments
- Remember you can add your own assignments to Connect (manually graded)
- Pair with your school's LMS
- Provide students access to additional student resources- —you can load these into your Connect course (Ii.e. PowerPoints, annual reports, instructor created materials, etc...)
What are some of the standards you need to keep in mind?
- Consistency: Depending on the organization of course (e.g. chapter/week), include similar Connect tools for each grouping and use consistent due dates (e.g. graded assignments are due at the start of class on Thursday)
- Use similar policies for similar assessments
- Organize your course for clarity
- Determine how you will communicate and your response time with students (video, email, etc...)
What specific Connect tools would you recommend using?
- SmartBook® 2.0: Adaptive reading experience. Instructor tailored for learning objectives and time allotment.
- End- of- Chapter exercises and problems
- General Ledger problems
- Auto-graded and manually-graded Cases
- Data Analytics problems (visualization, dashboard activities, applying Tableau)