We interviewed Clarke University instructor, Teri Zuccaro, about the best practices for planning your online Accounting course with Connect and your Quality in Online Learning Certification.

How would you recommend a new faculty member get started?

  • Determine how you want to organize your course (week/chapter/topic)
  • Determine the Learning Objectives that will be covered in the course
  • Review the McGraw Hill Connect® tools available for your textbook and determine which to use for both summative and formative assessments
  • Review policies available and determine which apply for your course and various assessments
  • Remember you can add your own assignments to Connect (manually graded)
  • Pair with your school's LMS
  • Provide students access to additional student resources- —you can load these into your Connect course (Ii.e. PowerPoints, annual reports, instructor created materials, etc...)

What are some of the standards you need to keep in mind?

  • Consistency: Depending on the organization of course (e.g. chapter/week), include similar Connect tools for each grouping and use consistent due dates (e.g.  graded assignments are due at the start of class on Thursday)
  • Use similar policies for similar assessments
  • Organize your course for clarity
  • Determine how you will communicate and your response time with students (video, email, etc...)

What specific Connect tools would you recommend using?

  • SmartBook® 2.0: Adaptive reading experience.  Instructor tailored for learning objectives and time allotment.
  • End- of- Chapter exercises and problems
  • General Ledger problems
  • Auto-graded and manually-graded Cases
  • Data Analytics problems (visualization, dashboard activities, applying Tableau)