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Joe Hoyle

Joe Hoyle is an associate professor of accounting in the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond. He also serves as Accounting Teaching Fellow. That fellowship will be renamed “The Joe Hoyle Accounting Teaching Fellow” if he ever chooses to retire. He is currently completing his 52nd year of teaching. In 2015, he was the first recipient of the Cook Prize for undergraduate teaching presented by the American Accounting Association. The Cook Prize serves to recognize, inspire and motivate members to achieve the status of a superior teacher. Each year up to three awards of $27,500 each can be made in the categories of graduate, undergraduate and two-year accounting degree programs. In 2006, he was named one of 22 favorite professors in the US by Business Week. In 2007, he was named the Virginia Professor of the Year by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. In 2012, he was named one of nine favorite professors in the US by Bloomberg Businessweek. In 2013, he was one of several college teachers highlighted in the book Cheating Lessons by James Lang and published by Harvard University Press. He is a coauthor of two textbooks: Advanced Accounting (soon to be in its 15th edition) and Financial Accounting (in its 3.1 edition). He has written a free online book titled Tips and Thoughts on Improving the Teaching Process in College—A Personal Diary. He has written over 318 entries for his teaching blog that has had more than 672,000 page views. The video of his Last Lecture at the University of Richmond has been viewed more than 19,000 times. In 2013, he coauthored an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education about his experiences in joining a government accounting course along with a course on Victorian literature. In April 2022, his short story, “And God Said” was published in the monthly magazine After Dinner Conversation.