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Help your students unlock their full potential  

Harnessing the First Aid books’ long trusted, high-yield content, First Aid Forward™ evolves First Aid from a study tool into a premium learning experience for academic & USMLE/COMLEX® success.

Support learning
needs where it counts

First Aid Forward enables educators to:

 Give students free access to premium, high-yield content and quick-hit quizzes that positions them for academic success

 Provide a resource that supports the memorization and comprehension of basic medical science concepts and knowledge on how to apply them in clinical scenarios  

 Leverage engagement metrics to ensure students are using the platform at full-range 

 Offer students an interactive learning tool that helps them organize their study sessions with smart search, advanced note-taking and highlight and audio-reading features 

 Utilize performance analytics to monitor learning progress and identify at-risk students that need intervention  

 Offer students an interactive learning tool that helps them organize their study sessions with smart search, advanced note-taking and highlight and audio-reading features 

 Utilize performance analytics to monitor learning progress and identify at-risk students that need intervention  

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