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Vote for our SXSW EDU 2022 Panel Submissions!
One of the most anticipated annual education conferences gives the public a chance to vote for the panels and talks they want to see.
Every year, one of the most anticipated annual education conferences, SXSW EDU, gives the public a chance to vote for the panels and talks they think deserve to be added to the event's upcoming program.
McGraw Hill and a few of our partners submitted sessions that we hope will make the agenda. If you like our ideas, linked below, we encourage you to "Vote Up" our sessions. And while you're on the SXSW EDU Panel Picker site, explore the hundreds of other ideas submitted by practitioners in the education world.
Voting ends August 26th.
The Future of Personalized Learning
There was a time when "personalized learning" was often dismissed as a buzzword, or a passing fad in in the ever-changing intersection of edtech and instruction. But as learning technologies evolve to deliver more precise individualization than ever before, and grow to capture valuable student data at an unprecedented scale, it's clear that personalized learning is the key to student-centered instruction – and with the right technology, it may be attainable even at its loftiest interpretations.
- Shawn Smith, Chief Innovation Officer, McGraw Hill School
- Dylan Arena, SVP Learning Science, McGraw Hill School
- Ann Chavez, CEO, Modern Teacher
- Vic Vuchic, Chief Innovation Officer, Digital Promise
Trends in Student Use of College Course Materials
The way students use course materials has shifted. Students are more aware of their options outside of the once ubiquitous textbook. COVID-19 accelerated these changes as more students were exposed to digital materials. Has this changed the way students access course materials? Further, can we use these changes to find more sustainable solutions for students? To explore these questions, researchers delve into trends, with perspectives from students and education professionals.
- Kelly Denson, Vice President, Education Policy and Programs, Association of American Publishers
- Eric Weil, Managing Partner, Student Monitor
- Brittany Conley, Research Analyst, National Association of College Stores
Striving for Equity through Strong Relationships
Every student deserves the opportunity to flourish in a school that celebrates them, imbues them with a sense of belonging, and empowers them with individualized supports. Creating such an equitable system requires educators to employ culturally responsive practices, examine implicit biases, and, now more than ever, build lasting relationships. In this workshop, participants will explore strategies for promoting equity through strong relationships with students, families, and the community.
- Bill de la Cruz, Belonging and Inclusion Consultant, De la Cruz Solutions
- Richard Milner, Associate Professor, Vanderbilt
A Vision for Student Data Privacy in the Future
As technology advances, it's crucial that school districts, vendors and others align on a vision for student data privacy. Data makes the most powerful technologies hum, and provide valuable insights to educators and school administrators so they can serve the unique needs of students and increase equity. But educators and parents need to trust that data is secure and not being misused. What are the principles of data privacy that should guide us in future? Panelists will make data privacy policy easy to understand and give attendees a blueprint for how data can be used to its potential.
- Andy Bloom, Chief Privacy Officer, McGraw Hill
- Linnette Attai, President, PlayWell, LLC
- Amelia Vance, Director of Youth and Education Policy, Future of Privacy Forum
Practices for Healing & Restoring in the Classroom
The classroom is a place for growth, kindness, and community – a space where all students can find comfort and strength through their relationships with their peers, their teachers, and themselves. Participants will join in collaborative discussion, hear from experts and program leaders, and discover something new about themselves! Join us for in-session, healing-centric, equitable social and emotional learning activities and to learn about programs and resources you can bring back to your school.
- Jill McManigal, Executive Director at Kids for Peace
- Richard Tubbs, Principal at Pacific Rim Elementary School
- Alexandra Merritt, Sr Education Researcher, McGraw Hill
How Colleges Can Support Mental Health on Campus
The COVID-19 pandemic shed a spotlight on the mental health crisis facing young people. While anxiety and depression rates increased over the past year and a half, the need for easily accessible resources and support is by no means a new phenomenon. In this panel, experts will share examples of programs and research-based practices that can help keep college students healthy – whether they're learning in person or online.
- Robert Feldman, Senior Advisor to the Chancellor, UMass-Amherst
- Diana Cusumano, Director of JED Campus & Wellness Initiatives, JED Foundation
- Lynsey Listau, Executive Director of Institutional Equity and Student Conduct, Pensacola State College
Tell Your Story and Celebrate the Art of Teaching
Educators overcome challenges by adapting, learning, and working together. Guided by research, data, experience, and passion, educators inspire future generations. The Art of Teaching Project celebrates this complex and beautiful profession through storytelling and community-building. If you're an educator with a story to tell or advice to share, join us to learn about blogging for the Art of Teaching Project, meet like-minded educators who shared their stories online, and celebrate teaching!
- Errica Hooper, Manager, Teaching and Learning Center, Harris County Department of Ed
- Skylar Primm, Lead Teacher, High Marq Environmental Charter School