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The Power of Mandate: How Visionary Leaders Keep Their Organization Focused on What Matters Most
The Power of Mandate: How Visionary Leaders Keep Their Organization Focused on What Matters Most

The Power of Mandate: How Visionary Leaders Keep Their Organization Focused on What Matters Most, 1st Edition

ISBN10: 1260454401 | ISBN13: 9781260454406
By Scott Stawski and Jimmy Brown
© 2019

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* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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The book that reveals how today’s most successful leaders turn vision into reality—featuring profiles of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Reed Hastings, Mike Lawrie, and more. 

Consensus. Negotiation. Compromise. A democratic approach to leadership drives most organizations today. Consensus based decision making may be popular, but it is far from the best approach in business. It’s also rarely the right approach for C-level executives—especially now that digital technology is driving real business disruption. Simply put, consensus is an innovation killer. 

The most successful, disruptive companies are propelled forward by mandate driven leaders. These leaders are inspired by a compelling belief, idea, strategy or tactic. Through their willpower, organizations are thrust into the future. The mandate driven leadership model is the hallmark of visionaries who have changed entire industries and sustained consistent innovation in their own companies. 

The Power of Mandate reveals what it takes to be an effective leader in today’s disruptive business environment. You’ll learn how the most audacious visionaries managed turn their visions into reality. This timely book will help you:   
• Discover your inner visionary
• Avoid the pitfalls of consensus leadership
• Create a mandate driven culture
• Develop leadership skills in others, and more

Profiles of the most successful mandate driven leaders—including Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Apple’s Steve Jobs, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Netflix’s Reed Hastings, Airbnb’s Brian Chesky, DXC Technology’s Mike Lawrie, and Microsoft’s Bill Gates—provide invaluable leadership lessons you can begin applying today. 

About the Author

Scott Stawski

Jimmy Brown

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