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ISBN10: 0071475354 | ISBN13: 9780071475358
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Praise for this boating classic:
“The most up-to-date and readable book we've seen on the subject.”—Sailing World
“Deserves a place on any diesel-powered boat.”—Motor Boat & Yachting
“Clear, logical, and even interesting to read.”—Cruising World
Keep your diesel engine going with help from a master mechanic
Marine Diesel Engines has been the bible for do-it-yourself boatowners for more than 15 years. Now updated with information on fuel injection systems, electronic engine controls, and other new diesel technologies, Nigel Calder's bestseller has everything you need to keep your diesel engine running cleanly and efficiently. Marine Diesel Engines explains how to:
- Diagnose and repair engine problems
- Perform routine and annual maintenance
- Extend the life and improve the efficiency of your engine
List of Troubleshooting Charts
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
OnePrinciples of Operation
Compression Ignition
Converting Heat to Power
Expansion and Cooling
Gasoline Engines
Cost and Power-to-Weight
Types of Diesels
Principal Engine Components
TwoDetails of Operation
Section One: The Air Supply
Volumetric Efficiency
Naturally Aspirated Engines
Superchargers and Turbochargers
Intercoolers and Aftercoolers
Section Two: Combustion
The Importance of Turbulence
Injector Spray Patterns
Techniques for Creating Turbulence
Section Three: Fuel Injection
Jerk (In-Line) Pumps
Distributor (Rotary) Pumps
Unit Injectors
Common Rail Systems
Lift Pumps
Section Four: Governors
Simple Governors
Vacuum Governors
Section Five: Electronic Engine Controls
Limping Home
Section Six: Keeping Things Cool
Raw-Water Cooling
Heat Exchanger Cooling
Keel Cooling
Wet and Dry Exhausts
ThreeRoutine Maintenance: Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness
Section One: Clean Air
Routine Maintenance
Section Two: Clean Fuel
Fuel Handling
Fuel Filters
Section Three: Clean Oil
The API "Donut"
Oil Changes
Changing Filters
Section Four: General Cleanliness
Clean Water
Clean Electrical Systems
A Clean Engine
Scheduled Overhauls
FourTroubleshooting, Part One: Failure to Start
Section One: Failure to Crank
Water in the Engine
Starter Motor Does Not Crank
Inertia and Preengaged Starters
Circuit Testing
Motor and Solenoid Disassembly, Inspection, and Repair
Section Two: Failure to Fire
An Unobstructed Airflow
Achieving Ignition Temperatures
Fuel Problems
FiveTroubleshooting, Part Two: Overheating, Smoke, Loss of Performance, and Other Problems
Loss of Performance
Oil-Related Problems
Inadequate Turbocharger Performance
Problems with Engine Instrumentation
A Do-it-Yourself Engine Survey
SixRepair Procedures, Part One: Cooling, Exhaust, and Injection Systems
The Cooling System
Water Pumps
The Exhaust System
Fuel Injection Pumps
SevenRepair Procedures, Part Two: Decarbonizing
Preparatory Steps
Cylinder Head Removal
Pistons and Connecting Rods
Piston Rings
Replacing Pistons and Connecting Rods
Replacing Cylinder Heads
Retiming an Engine
Accessory Equipment
EightMarine Transmissions
Planetary Transmissions
Two-Shaft Transmissions
Variations on a Theme
Shaft Brakes
Transmission Maintenance
Troubleshooting and Repairs
NineEngine Selection and Installation
Section One: Engine Selection
Matching an Engine to Its Load
How Much Horsepower Do You Need?
BHP, SHP, and Auxiliary Equipment
Section Two: Propeller Sizing and Selection
Propeller Sizing
Propeller Selection
Section Three: Connecting the Transmission to the Propeller
Engine Alignment
Constant-Velocity Joints
Shaft Seals
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