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Become: The Five Commitments of Purposeful Leadership
Become: The Five Commitments of Purposeful Leadership

Become: The Five Commitments of Purposeful Leadership, 1st Edition

ISBN10: 1260457567 | ISBN13: 9781260457568
By Mark Hannum
© 2020

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* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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Become a leader worth following by using the proven, evidence-based methods of the widely respected, global leadership firm Linkage, Inc. and leadership development expert Mark Hannum

The world’s greatest leaders focus on three critical things: they are committed to accomplishing something that matters; they articulate a vision that others embrace; and they demonstrate a series of five commitments that make up the message of this book.

In Become, Mark Hannum, a leading Executive Coach, Consultant, Practitioner and Researcher in the leadership field, reveals the evidence-based secrets that surfaced from vast data Linkage has collected  on leadership effectiveness. He details the five commitments that the best leaders make to themselves and their organizations: 

INSPIRE others to join the pursuit of a common vision
ENGAGE every team member to contribute their best abilities
INNOVATE key products or processes that lead to the goal
ACHIEVE results by organizing people and aligning resources 
BECOME more self-aware and courageous as a leader 

Foreword by Thomas A. Kolditz

Introduction: Why Purpose?

1 A Hunger for Leadership
2 The Mystery of Leadership

3 Finding and Framing the Goal
4 The Big Why: How to Connect You and Your Context

5 About Others: Engage and Gather the Team

6 Banish the Status Quo and Break Through
7 The Technical Versus the Leadership Dilemma

8 Go Where You Said You Will: Structure Success
9 Power or Purpose (Always Know the Difference!)

10 Leading with Purpose: Putting It All Together
References and Further Reading

About the Author

Mark Hannum

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