Government in Action 1 9780078024801 What is GinA? A sophisticated, first-of-its-kind educational game from McGraw-Hill which allows students to “do government” by playing the role of a congressperson, from running for election to passing legislation. Government in Action weaves in every aspect of the American Government course in the ultimate pursuit of political capital. How does GinA work? Government in Action is designed to provide context and application. Imagine for a moment that you don’t know what a lobbyist does. When a student first learns about Interest Groups, it can feel like learning a new language. Government in Action provides a point of reference for students by letting them encounter these concepts in action before they encounter the theory behind them in the course. This encounter gives students a place to “put” the information they’re learning. But the learning doesn’t stop there! As the game progresses, students must apply their knowledge to make calculated, strategic moves aimed at growing their political capital.At first, this leads to an outburst of questions—for example, “How will my partnership with this lobbyist affect my reputation?” Questions like these not only open the door for a more engaging classroom conversation, but in general lead to a more sophisticated understanding of the material. Don’t just talk about government, do it! To learn more of GinA, go to
Government in Action

Government in Action

1st Edition
By Muzzy Lane
ISBN10: 0078024803
ISBN13: 9780078024801
Copyright: 2013
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ISBN10: 0078024803 | ISBN13: 9780078024801



The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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About the Author

Muzzy Lane