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Elizabeth Mays

Elizabeth Mays has been a biology professor at Illinois Central College for the past 17 years. She is the lead instructor of a non-majors biology course and has also filled that role in several anatomy and physiology courses. While historically teaching in-person courses, she has gained significant experience in online teaching and hybrid education over the past few years, including certification through the Online Learning Consortium™. She strives to incorporate simple activities and practices into her teaching that encourage student ownership of learning, mindfulness, and content relevancy to promote student success. Her passion is building student confidence in biology content that often seems too difficult or unattainable. Elizabeth has also authored and edited Connect® and SmartBook® projects for McGraw Hill has served on an Advisory Board for substantial MGH product improvements, and actively functions as a Digital Faculty Consultant. She has also served on a National Science Foundation Panel as a reviewer. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, fitness, spending time with her husband, and watching her two boys play baseball.